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Welcome to

Kingston Park

Primary School



You can steer yourself any direction you choose ~ Dr Suess.


Visitors to our school frequently complement us on the good manners and behaviour of our children. We work hard to maintain this ethos. We promote positive attitudes, self discipline, independence and a sense of responsibility in all that we say and all that we do.   We encourage and praise qualities such as being caring, courteous and respectful at all times.


'Pupils are highly respected and valued. They are involved in all aspects of school life. As a result, their behaviour is excellent, they are consistently polite, thoughtful and very caring, and feel very safe. ‘ Ofsted 2013


'Behaviour in the school is outstanding. In a large space, pupils move calmly and quietly from area to area. They are very considerate and willingly help each other. Behaviour outside the classroom is also of the same high standard.  Pupils are clear that they feel safe in school and that bullying does not happen. They know that all staff will take time to help them with any worries or concerns. ‘ Ofsted 2013


Our outstanding approach to behaviour is achieved through a consistent and incremental approach to rewards and consequences. In addition we welcome the contributions of children with respect to behaviour and seek their views through the annual review of the School Eco-Council Behaviour Policy and pupil survey.   We reward children for their good choices by giving House Points, Show & Tell Certificates and Head Teacher Awards.  We give high priority to clear communication within the school and to a positive partnership with parents/carers, since these are crucial in promoting and maintaining high standards of behaviour.


The Kingston Park school rules are as follows:


  1. Always keep ourselves and others safe
  2. Always treat our school, the environment and each other with respect and care
  3. Listen to others
  4. Use kind words, hands and feet at all times
  5. Be honest and try to make good choices
  6. Do our best and aim high
  7. To be kind and care for one another
  8. To support one another


Please refer to our School Behaviour Policy and The School Eco-Council Behaviour Policy.