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Kingston Park Primary School home page

Welcome to

Kingston Park

Primary School

Early Years Foundation Stage


We aim to create an environment which is happy, safe and fun to learn in. Where the child is at the centre of all we do.


Our Nursery and Reception classes follow the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. Our aim is to provide the children with a play based curriculum that is tailored for each child’s individual needs. We offer a welcoming, safe and secure environment where children’s excitement and love of learning can be ignited and developed.


We provide a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum which offers continuity and progression through our indoor and outdoor classrooms. Both Nursery and Reception will focus on the same topic allowing for collaborative learning in our shared indoor and outdoor areas.


At Kingston Park we ensure that we have a safe, secure and stimulating environment both indoors and outdoors in which children can explore; make choices; ask questions; extend their skills and develop confidence. Happy children learn best so we plan activities that are challenging and fun. We encourage children to be independent and resources are well organised so children can access what they need.


Staff join in with children’s learning, extending their language and thinking at the child’s level and help them to make progress.