Education for Sustainable Development
From a small seed a mighty trunk may grow ~ Aeschylus.
At Kingston Park, we believe that Education for Sustainable Development is crucial in nurturing a way of thinking that ensures pupils, staff and the wider school community are committed to looking after our most precious resource, the planet. By enabling our young learners to understand the impact of their actions on the environment (locally, nationally and globally) we aim to develop sustainable attitudes and values. Through delivering an ESD curriculum, we will empower pupils to make responsible choices and ensure that they believe they can be the agents of change to create a more sustainable world.
Education for Sustainable Development has links across many areas of our curriculum. It can occur:
- As a major focus within a topic.
- As a smaller element within a topic
- As part of a whole class discussion
- As part of an assembly
- During story time
- In displays, both in the classroom and in other areas of the school.
- As part of forest school activities within our fabulous school grounds
- As part of our work within the wider community
- By making links with local organisations
- As part of initiatives launched by our eco council e,g special events such as toy swap shops or taking part in campaigns such as The Big Walk and Wheel challenge
Our Eco councillors are also responsible for promoting Education for Sustainable Development within our school. They work on projects to promote sustainability and involve the whole school and wider community wherever they can. They are committed to making people think about the choices that they make and understand the importance of developing positive attitudes towards our planet and its care. These positive attitudes are promoted through our Eco-Code which was created by our eco council in 2024.
Our Eco-Code states that in our aim to be a sustainable school and to look after our planet it is important to
- Eat healthy
- Grow our own food
- Walk or wheel to school or if you can t do this park walk and talk .
- Protect nature
- Reduce waste by reusing or repairing or recycling
- Put our litter in the bin
- Save energy
- Save water
It also promotes the idea that Together we can make a difference.
We value the crucial role that ESD has to play in teaching children to look after the planet now and for the future generation.