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Kingston Park

Primary School

Health and Safety


Monthly Health and Safety Inspections are carried out by the Health and Safety Co-ordinator and Site Manager.


Detailed below are some of the measures undertaken by school to ensure health and safety is a priority for all.


  • Local Authority Health and Safety Inspections
  • Health and Safety discussions with Policy and Resources Governors Committees
  • Health and Safety Monthly Inspections with Health and Safety Co-ordinator, Site Manager and two representatives from Year 6.
  • Single Fire Bell Testing Weekly
  • Clear Fire Evacuation Procedures & Fire Evacuation Plans for those who may need them.
  • Clear signing in procedures, staff identification badges and fobs
  • DBS checks
  • Fire Drills each half term
  • Ensure there is a consistent approach to planning trips and visits whereby risk assessments are completed and consideration is given to for example:- staff pupil ratios, children with Special Educational Needs, children with health needs, transport requirements. All trips and visits are checked by the Educational Visits Co-ordinator Suzanne Cowell before the visit takes place.
  • Complete Risk Assessments for subjects and key areas e.g. Science, Design Technology, Outdoor playgrounds.
  • Purchase equipment and materials that are safe and suitable for their intended use.
  • Ensure the prompt and efficient maintenance of equipment in safe working order.
  • Report all accidents occurring on school premises to the Head teacher, Deputy Head teacher or Assistant Head teacher.


To provide effective monitoring systems to ensure that safety standards are being complied with we regularly review our procedures to ensure that health and safety standards are being complied with.


We invest in high quality training to ensure staff  have a full understanding of the need to keep themselves and other safe. Recent training has included Moving and Handling Training and Fire Awareness Training.