Every child can learn, just not on the same day, or in the same way.' George Bernard Shaw
All people are unique in terms of characteristics, interests, abilities, experience, motivation and learning needs. We value and take account of these wide diversities, providing access to high quality and appropriate education for all members of our school community. The school is committed to the full inclusion of all pupils. Our School Vision, Golden Threads and motto, ‘Together We’re Better’, form the basis for all we do in school, including our work with children who have additional needs. This page gives families information about the variety of ways we ensure we support our children with special educational needs (SEN) to achieve their potential and become the best that they can be.
‘If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.’ Ignacio Estrada
We understand that some children find learning more challenging than others and may need extra support to achieve their full potential. For example they might have difficulty:-
- expressing themselves
- interacting with others
- with reading, writing and maths
- following lessons
- regulating their emotions
- sensory, physical or medical needs
These difficulties can be barriers to learning so it is important we assess all children to identify their strengths and needs. Suzanne Cowell is the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator and she works with children, staff, parents and professionals to co-ordinate provision and monitor the effectiveness of this provision on outcomes for children.
‘All children need is a little help and someone who believes in them.’
For all children at Kingston Park who have an additional need we:
- Recognise that the family is the expert on their child and work in partnership with them.
- Deliver high quality teaching, adapting the curriculum and our resources to ensure children can access the learning.
- Employ a fully qualified Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) to lead on SEN provision across the school.
- Assess and review the learning of our SEN children, using that information to inform future planning and teaching.
- Provide teaching assistants in class who work with SEN children and also, importantly, support other children so that the teacher has more opportunities to work with the SEN children.
- Hold regular meetings to review children, interventions and resources and to adapt provision where necessary.
- Support our families with children with SEN, formally through review meetings and informally through our “open door” approach. Families are also advised of other services and organisations which may offer further advice and support.
- Seek advice from outside agencies to ensure each child’s needs are fully identified and understood and to learn from specialists how best to support our SEN children.
- We regularly evaluate interventions and the effectiveness of these additional provisions.
- Regularly evaluate our teaching resources to ensure they are accessible to all SEN children.
- Ensure our school activities and trips, including residentials, are accessible to all our SEN children.
- Hold review meetings with families for children with a higher level of SEN.
- Provide on-going SEN training and information for teachers and teaching assistants.
- Liaise closely with secondary schools at transition times to ensure SEN pupil information is clearly communicated so that the move to secondary school is as smooth as possible.
The information here is general; each child is an individual and will receive unique provision and resources where necessary. If you would like further information, please contact school on 0191 2140363 and speak to our SENCo, Suzanne Cowell, or alternatively e-mail at
For further information about Special Educational Needs please refer to the information below.
Please follow the link below find out more about SEN Provision and Services in Newcastle Upon Tyne.
Other useful information and contacts:
Newcastle Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS)
This is a free, impartial and confidential service.
SENDIASS provide information, advice and support to
- parents and carers of children with special educational needs and disabilities
- children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities up to the age of 25 years
They specialise in education matters but can support with social care and health issues that impact on the child or young person’s ability to access education.
A SENDIASS worker will have an initial conversation with anyone who calls the service and support in meetings will come either from one of the team or from one of the volunteers who work for the service.
Typically, parents can have their concerns listened to, Special Educational Needs policies and procedures explained to them and be offered practical support to help them in their discussions with schools, the Local Authority and other statutory agencies.
Telephone: 0191 2116255
The service is available Monday – Friday 9am to 5pm.
Parent-carer leaflet_1.pdf (
The Toby Henderson Trust (TTHT) is an independently funded charity supporting children with autism (aged 2-7 years), their families and carers in the North East. 0300 365 3055 or email
Dyslexia & Dyscalculia
Dyspraxia & Developmental Co-ordination Disorder
Speech and Language
Talking Point website has been designed with these requests in mind with new additions to the site including
- Database of resources,
- Searchable map of local services. and
- Progress checker that allows parents and practitioners to review a child's progress in talking, listening and understanding.
Spina Bifida & Hyrdocephalus
Cerebral Palsy
Covers medical information, like causes, symptoms and treatment, as well as daily living topics, including vocational counseling, adoption, abuse, college/careers, bullying and much more. You can read more at