Lower Key Stage Two
Welcome to an overview of important information specific to children in Lower Key Stage Two (Years 3 and 4) at Kingston Park Primary School.
Transition from KS1 to KS2
- The move from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2 is a significant transition. Rest assured, we are dedicated to preparing our children for this step.
Statutory Assessments
- Year 4 pupils will undertake a multiplication check as part of their statutory assessment in the Summer term. Parents will be invited to attend a meeting to find out more.
Weekly Homework
- Reading: Children are expected to read 3 times per week. Children are expected to write a comment in their reading comment book,
- Spellings: Up to 10 spellings per week will be sent out at the beginning of each half term, with weekly spelling tests taking place every Friday.
- Learning by Questions Task: An English or Maths task will be set every Monday on Learning by questions, to be completed by the following Monday. Tasks are available on paper if requested. Your child's teacher will give you a QR code to access these.
- Times Tables Rock Stars: Children are encouraged to continue building their knowledge of times tables via TTRS as often as possible.
Topics for Year Three
- Term 1: Marvellous Me (Caring for others) and Toontastic!
- Term 2: Through the ages and Easter
- Term 3: Rampaging Romans
- Visits Include: St James’ Park, Newcastle city centre/Quayside, Segedunum, Hartlepool Historic Quay/The Trincomalee
Topics for Year Four
- Term 1: Marvellous Me (Healthy Eating/Teeth) and Explorers of the Eurozone
- Term 2: Mummies Alive! and Easter
- Term 3: Tomorrow's World
- Visits Include: The Great North Museum, Sunderland Winter Garden, Victoria tunnel
For more in depth information about what your child will be learning in each of these topics, please see the following page:
Additional Activities
- Year 4 swimming lessons: In addition to school PE sessions, Year 4 pupils will begin swimming lessons at Ponteland Pool in January. Lessons will take place on a Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon. These lessons will continue into Year 5 until December. Parents will receive further information nearer the time.
- Year 3 Pedestrian Training: In the autumn term, Year 3 pupils will undergo pedestrian training focusing on pedestrian safety skills and the Green Cross Code. The programme teaches pupils the green cross code and essential pedestrian safely skills including finding a safe place to cross, how to cross safely near a junction and how to cross between parked cars if no other safe place is available. Parents will receive further information nearer the time.
We hope this overview provides a comprehensive insight into the activities and learning experiences your child will encounter in Lower Key Stage Two. Should you have any further queries or require additional information, please do not hesitate to get in touch.