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Welcome to

Kingston Park

Primary School

Lower Key Stage Two


Year 3 is a very exciting year for us! We are expected to take much more responsibility for our own learning and belongings.


As the final year in lower Key Stage 2, Year 4 is a time when children develop their independent learning and gain the knowledge and skills they need to enter the final phase of their primary school learning.  Hence, it is full of creativity and packed with exciting opportunities to broaden the children’s horizons and extend their understanding of all areas of the curriculum. 


Our Topics ~ Year Three


Term 1 ~ Marvellous Me (Caring for others) and Toontastic!

Term 2 ~ Rampaging Romans and Easter

Term 3 ~ Aye Aye Captain


Visits include:


St James’ Park, Newcastle city centre/Quayside, Segedunum, Hartlepool Historic Quay/The Trincomalee


Our Topics ~ Year Four


Term 1 ~ Marvellous Me (Healthy Eating/Teeth) and Explorers of the Eurozone

Term 2 ~ Mummies Alive! and Easter

Term 3 ~ Tomorrow's World


Visits include:


The Great North Museum, Sunderland Winter Garden




Pupils will undertake Maths and English homework on a weekly basis. In addition, they will practice spellings and appropriate times tables. It is expected that all pupils know all tables and division facts by the end of year 4. Each term, pupils will also undertake a topic based homework assignment which generally spans a few weeks. Pupils will be encouraged to present their research in a method of their choice and present this to classmates, something they really enjoy doing. We have had some fantastic, imaginative examples over the years!


Pupils will continue to borrow books from the school library in order to widen their experience of reading a wide range of text types.


Handwriting will continue to be a key focus, aiming to develop a confident, consistent cursive style, with the added bonus of a much coveted pen licence for those children who succeed!


In Year 4 pupils will take a National Multiplication Tables Check which takes place over three weeks in the summer term (June). Parents will be invited to attend a meeting to find out more.


In addition to school PE sessions, pupils in year 4 will begin swimming lessons at Denton Pool in January. These lessons continue into year 5 until December.