Friends of Kingston Park Primary School
Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much ~ Helen Keller.
Friends of Kingston Park Primary School are a Parent Teacher Association. Every parent or carer of any child at school as well as every member of staff is member. As such, all are invited to the Annual General Meeting at the beginning of each school year and are informed about our activities via school newsletters and text messages.
On the 9th June 2010 FKPPS became a registered charity (Registered Charity Number: 1136294)
The Team:
Chair ~ Debbie Graham
Vice Chair ~ Danielle Thompson
Treasurer ~ Lina Batashka
Secretary ~ Christina Pringle
Trustees ~ Rachel Bell, Amal Agliow
School Staff Members ~
Mr Jason Alexander
What we do:
We organise a variety of events throughout the schoolyear, including Summer and Christmas Fayres, school discos and a variety of competitions, raffles, and bake sales in order to raise additional funds and resources for the school. Other events focus on giving children and parents the opportunity to meet and have fun outside school hours.
How are the funds used?
Whenever we provide additional funding, our aim is to ensure that it will be of benefit to every single child during their time at Kingston Park Primary School. We fund some of the 'nice to haves' in school, including the Christmas tree, reading book for every child at Christmas, as well as a pantomime/magic show in December and support towards a Year Six Leavers Event. Additionally, we regularly support the school library to buy new books, the purchase of musical instruments, outdoor equipment to be used in lessons and whatever other support may be required to enhance the children’s development and that of the school. Finally, we try where possible to support the teacher’s and parent’s suggestions with exciting new ideas for the school like the development of the outdoor area in recent years.
How can you help?
There are many different ways you can support Friends of School:
- First of all by attending or sending your children to our events and spending money there.
- By donating prizes for tombola and raffles, cakes and items to sell at the white elephant stall (toys, books, CDs, games in good condition).
- If you want to offer help preparing and running these events, please contact us by email, with your name and contact details, no obligation at all.
- If you’re interested in getting involved in Friends of School on a regular basis, to attend our meetings, develop new ideas for fundraising and fun events, take over responsibilities and help with decisions, you’re very welcome. Please contact us by email, leave your name and contact details and ask for the next meeting. We will contact you and invite you to our regular meetings. This is a great way of getting to know the school, teachers and other parents, carers and grandparents.
- We have a WhatsApp group for people interested in possible volunteering opportunities. Send us your mobile number and we will happily add you to the group. You can be as involved as you are comfortable with.
- The numbers of parents attending FKPPS meetings are slowly growing but there is room for more, so we look forward to seeing new faces.
Keep updated with what we are doing by following our Facebook group 'Friends of Kingston Park Primary School'.