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Kingston Park Primary School home page

Welcome to

Kingston Park

Primary School

Helping at School


We pride ourselves on our school's welcoming and friendly atmosphere.


Get Involved


There are many ways that you can become involved at Kingston Park Primary School.


You, as parents and carers, can help to make a tangible difference to life at Kingston Park Primary School. Some of our volunteers regularly come and read on a one-to-one basis with our children. Others volunteer their time to help out in classrooms, supporting children with their learning, cooking with the children or sometimes visiting classes to tell pupils about their job.


Some parents and carers take an active part in helping to prepare and run the many events organised by the Friends of Kingston Park Primary School (FKPPS) that take place during the year. There are many ways in which you can volunteer.


If you would like to help out at school then please do not hesitate in contacting Mr Jason Alexander via the school office. Thank you.