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Welcome to

Kingston Park

Primary School

Upper Key Stage Two


In upper key stage two, we continue to embed our golden threads through delivery of our cross-curricular themes and PSHE work.


Our Topics ~ Year Five


Term 1 ~ All About Me Mini-topic "Life Cycles" and main topic "To Infinity and Beyond"

Term 2 ~ Mystical Mexico and Easter

Term 3 ~ Invaders and Settlers


Our Topics ~ Year Six


Term 1 ~ Marvellous Me "Evolution and Inheritance" and main topic "Shang Shenanigans"

Term 2 ~ "Ancient Greece" and Easter

Term 3 ~ Lawmakers and Lawbreakers


We enhance our curriculum and develop independent skills through our residential visits to Whitby (Year Five) and Borrowdale (Year Six). Additional enrichment opportunities  take place such as visits to Great North Museum, Centre for Life, Live Tales, Las Iguanas, Hatton Art Gallery.



We are proud of the way we prepare our pupils for end of Key Stage Two Statutory Assessments (SATs) and the results we achieve. We believe we have the right balance between ensuring the pupils achieve their full potential without any stress or worry. 


We continue to develop pupils' independence through allocation of monitors, buddies and  ambassadors. We raise awareness of future careers through assemblies and visitors.


We work together with our feeder secondary schools: Callerton, Kenton and Studio West to familiarise pupils and parents with their options for Year 7. Children and parents have the opportunity to visit these schools and meet with the Head teachers and staff. 


We increase our expectations of learning at home through weekly online maths and English homework tasks which are set using the Learning by Questions platform, further preparing the pupils for their next steps in education.